Dahud Shangodoyin
He was the first lecturer to be promoted to the rank of full Professor in Statistics, at the University of Botswana, Botswana. In 2018, he was appointed by African Development Bank – Statistics Division a member of ICP-Africa Experts group. He had delivered keynote addresses at the following fora: Oyo-Ile investment forum (27th May 2019); University of Ibadan 2019 Statistics Department reunion (7th June, 2019), at the Summit of Nigerian Institute of Management South West Zone (27th June, 2019) and at the International Conference on Scientific Research in Nigeria held at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria on 3rd May, 2023.
He had worked and taught statistics courses at Ogun State University, Nigeria, between September, 1987 and June, 1989. He worked at the University of Ibadan between, June 1989 and July; 2007. He was the first Alumnus of the Department of Statistics, University of Ibadan to Head the Department in 2003. Between April, 2004 and January, 2007, he taught statistics courses at the University of Kwa-Zulu Natal, and University of Swaziland.
At the University of Ibadan, he was Sub-dean postgraduate studies, Faculty of Science, member of Senior Staff Disciplinary Committee.
At the University of Botswana, He was a member of Senate, member of University research committee, Council member of Staff Appointment, Promotions and Review Committee and was the Chairperson, Faculty of Social Sciences guidelines on academic staff mentoring. He was the Vice President of Botswana Statistics Association and Chairperson, Professorial committee of the Faculty of Social Sciences.
He has had a wide range of experience at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels and had supervised seven doctoral students at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. He had guided and graduated the six doctoral students in the area of Time series analysis and Survival analysis at the University of Botswana, Botswana.
His principal strengths are in: Education, Econometrics, Engineering Modelling, Trade and investments. He has publications in data mining in Education, Health, Engineering Population, Agriculture, Econometrics, Bayesian modelling, multivariate analysis and Time series Analysis; in which he has addressed a varied set of challenging issues requiring a thorough background in statistical theory and computing. His first article in refereed journal appeared in 1989 and within 30 years. He had published over 80 refereed articles in 30 different journals, and his papers has been accepted by editors with different policies, preferences and emphasis and had appealed to a wide academic readership worldwide.
He is an active researcher with an impressive number of academic, editorials and administrative activities including Community Service in form of statistical consulting, mentoring junior academic staff and serving as an external examiner to many universities around the world.
He had served as UNDP and World Bank consultant on a number of occasions and secured grants from these bodies for various projects. He was an associate Editor to a number of Journals, Coordinator of Statistical literacy programme in Botswana and SADC regional Coordinator for Statistical Pan African Society. He was a member of African Committee that drafted the Data Revolution Strategy for Ministerial meeting of Africa Heads of States in Addis Abba Ethiopia in 2015. At the 10th summit of Africa Symposia on Statistical Developments held in Uganda, in 2015, he was elected the Chair of the forum of Presidents of National Statistical associations. He chaired the Composite topics session of the 57th International Statistical Institute conference held in Durban and the Chairperson Editorial committee of 2011 SUSAN_IBS conference held at the University of Botswana, Botswana.
He is a member of many scholarly bodies: International Institute of information and Systemics (USA); Slovenia Statistical Society, Nigerian Science Association, Nigerian Statistical Association, International Biometric Society, Irish Statistical Association, Botswana Statistical Association and African Statistical Association.
In Oyo State, he had served as Commissioner for Education (August 15, 2019 – January 30, 2020); Commissioner for Establishment and Training (February 1 2020 – December 16, 2020) and currently, the Commissioner for Public Works and Transport.